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  • I give lectures and I write books and tutorials on level design, environment art, and the Unreal Engine.

  • I enjoy teaching and helping people. I like to talk about what I do, and explain how I do it.

  • I have been helping people on game development forums and chat channels for over 12 years now. Answering questions, and helping people solve their problems.

  • My dozens of tutorials are a good example of my willingness to help people, and the time that I invest into doing so.

  • My tutorials and videos also show that I am able to explain things in an easy to understand way.

  • I have given workshops and lectures at several educations and universities such as Playground Squad, University of Gotland, University of Stockholm, and The Garden.

  • I am the Game Design Head teacher at Sweden's prime game development education FutureGames.

  • I have given private Unreal Engine training to the game development studios Vstep, Playlogic, and Starbreeze as well as to individuals. I have also written an extensive Unreal Engine tutorial for Game Developer Magazine in 2012.
