Game Developer - Level Designer - Environment Artist - Author - Tutor - 18 Years of experience with Unreal Engine 1, 2, 3, 4
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The response to my The Solus Project has been awesome. Thanks so much for everyone’s kind words and the feedback I got!

Thanks a lot to Epic also for the great support given. My videos are mirrored on the official UnrealEngine Youtube channel, several retweets, and on the official Facebook page. Thanks! Awesome community support!

As for future videos. I do indeed plan to record more. A Blueprint Continued 2, along with a Blueprint for Artist video are on my list. And I will probably re-record the UDK Asset videos in a while as well. So far nothing has yet been recorded though. I am going to wait at least a week more before deciding or starting on anything.


Bought all 3 of them and just finished watching the 2nd one(bp intro). Absolutely blown away by quality and quantity of information contained in the tutorials and I would wholeheartedly recommend them to everyone looking to get up to speed quickly with UE4.”

“Finished watching @Hourences @UnrealEngine Blueprint tutorials. Really great stuff! I’m highly recommend this!
Andrej Sumenkov

“@Hourences UE4 video’s are AMAZING if you are looking for some great tutorials to learn @UnrealEngine – find them at”
John Wise

“Purchased @Hourences @UnrealEngine Blueprint tutorials. They’re REALLY good, soon done with the intro, learning a lot! 10/10 would recommend”
Daniel K.K

“I finished the tutorial series today and I’m still trying to pick up the pieces from where my mind was blown. As always, great job Hourences (and to the rest of the contributors)! ”

If anyone builds stuff with the videos, feel free to mail me a picture or video! I might retweet/post it!

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